Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Enough with The Smoking Already!

Ok, I have had it.  If I smoke one more cigarette after the one thats currently in my mouth, may satan rise up from the depths of hell (The Academy For Salon Professionals) and take my scrawny assed soul! Im 43 years old and my lungs are 103 years old.  Smoking for me has become something that is simply out of control. I light up without thinking. Smoke without any thought of the result. And toss my filthy cigarette butts everywhere without any concern for this precious rock we call earth.  I am sick of myself, sick of how I look, smell, taste!  Sick of what my clients must secretly think, sick of covering up my breath and b.o., sick of my yellow teeth.  I feel like a total scumbag.  I look around at other smokers and ask myself Do I look like that?  Its shameful and sad and I am not gonna slowly keep killing myself.  There is no telling how much damage I have already done to my body.  What an evil fucking drug.  

So here on my blog in front of my one reader, I declare that as of the last cigarette hanging from my mouth, I will no longer smoke.  

Yes I have said this 1000000000000000,01 times. And each time I mean it.  I do.  But its so HARD!  Anyone who reads this, please chime in with your support.  Hold me accountable.  Spank my butt hard if I light up.  As funny as Im attempting to make this, its so very seriously and I am running out of steam here.  My body is not happy with all the poison.  

If your reading this and your a smoker, Cut It Out!  Its not sexy, hip or fun!  Its down right nasty!  


  1. do it do it do it! in three days, i will have been a non-smoker for 7 months! have you tried the patch? it made it so much easier. and really, i don't ever actually want to smoke. sometimes i get a weird empty feeling but it passes. then i remember what i CAN do now that i am a nonsmoker, like laughing without coughing for one. and running! i love running! congratulations on making the best possible decision you can for yourself. lovelovelove.

  2. You CAN do it. It's possible, you just need the motivation to quit and the determination to follow through. I quit smoking in 2001 and I have never been happier. Yes, I do think about smoking every once in a while, but no, I do not want to smoke. And the patch does help.

    Good luck!!
